Before we dive in, I want to acknowledge that gear is hyper-personal. What works for someone may not work for you, especially when you are wearing that item on your body.

Every single gear review or suggestion on my website comes from my own personal use and experience. There could be affiliate links on certain items, and it will always be noted on the page if the post is sponsored or has affiliate links. Please know that I am super choosy with sponsored reviews because I don’t like using bad gear and I know others won’t either!

Honesty is my policy, and I will point out flaws and dislikes on gear too. There is not a single piece of gear out there that has zero flaws! Anyone who says otherwise is lying to you or has only used it for a very short period of time.

All of that being said, I love gear! And while you do not need the latest and the greatest to get outside and have fun, good gear can make a difference in your experience.

I consider myself to be a lightweight - ultralight backpacker, and that is what the majority of recommendations here will be. That does not mean this works for everybody. But, there is a distinct lack of women’s ultralight backpacking gear reviews on the internet, and I want other women to have a resource for UL gear reviews.

As always, feel free to comment on a post or contact me with questions about gear. I’m always happy to talk about it!